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heater help!


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Owning a JBJ HQI 28G 150W metal halide tank, you would think I would have over-heating problems, but I am having the opposite problem with my tank being too cold. I am having a hell of a time with my heater. I purchased a aquaric gardens 100W submersible heater, calibrated it according to the instructions and stuck it in the designated spot in the back of the tank. I could never get the temp to stay above 77 degrees without the lights on.


So, I returned it and got a 100W marineland stealth visi-therm heater so that I could dial the temp on the top of the heater. Calibrated it according to the instructions and stuck it in the designated spot in the back of the tank. Nope. Didn't work. My tank was 74 degrees this morning!! Poor fish and corals were OK and I am slowly raising the temps back up but I feel ultra guilty.


I have never had so many problems with heaters before! Can anyone recommend an excellent heater or tell me what I am doing wrong with these heaters?

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is it a digital thermometer? If so a lot of those are bad. Set it at 75F the heater (there should be no calibrating) and just put it in a place where there is water flow, you'll be fine. 74F is not a bad temp i would say 71F and below is pretty low.

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yes, it is a digital thermometer. I will go out and buy a replacement, non-digital thermometer. I just find it weird that it would be that far off.

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yes, it is a digital thermometer. I will go out and buy a replacement, non-digital thermometer. I just find it weird that it would be that far off.

I have 2 glass thermometers & a digi in my 5 gallon. The 2 glass ones are in different areas of the tank that I use for precise temps.. and my digi is just more or less for alerts. When I see 71 or 83 on my digi I know I forgot to plug something back in.. but I don't use it anything else than that. (btw - my tank doesn't get that hot or cold, it's way off, (71 on digi is about 73 & 83 is about 78).


Dave A.

(Edit- If you are tweaking it every day - DONT!) I found out the hard way, I saw 71 degrees - turned it up.. 81 - turned it down.. with so much messing around with it - I was really screwing w/ my tank temps for days.. never did it right... Went and bought another heater.. same problem... Finally gave up and left it alone & it stableized within 2 days... Just 'Set it & forget it'..

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OK... so I went out and bought a glass thermometer. It says the same temp as the digital themometer. Uhh! I don't understand why my heater is not heating the tank!

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