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API Test kit strips


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Ok a friend of mine got out of the fish hobby so I took his test kits to try them on my tank so here are the readings:


GH 120

KH 240

ph 8.4

Nitrate 40

Nitrite 0

Salinity 1.026

Instant Ocean Calcium Tester 330

Ammonia 0


Nitrates are up there, calcium is low but I'm not sure about the GH and KH readings. Any suggestions? I have a 15 gallon nano with a 24" cpr fuge with cheato and liverock, 2" sandbed and about 30lbs of liverock in the main tank with 2 fish and assorted corals.

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I suggest using actual liquid test kits (like API's Saltwater Master) instead of test strips. This seems to be a freshwater kit if it's testing general hardness. Your nitrate can't be that high without seriously stressing the corals and fish (at least the corals). How old is your tank?

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tank is about 2 yrs old. I tested my water with the API liquid kit and the nitrates was between 10-20ppm, nitrites 0ppm ammoni 0 ppm ph 8.4

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I'm trying to increase my calcium levels to get some koraline algae growth in the tank, but im confused about the KH levels. I dont know if they are acceptable or not. I dose a two park Cal and Alk booster.

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