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Cultivated Reef

My 1 gal..

lil'wrasse cool

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lil'wrasse cool

out of board em I took stuff out of my other tank and made this lil guy..

Its about 2 months old now, it was just gonna be a home for a hitch hiker crab. You know how that goes tho..


tank has...

1 blue leg crab

1 hh crab

1 head frogspawn

60ish zoas, green dragon eyes/with a unknown type

little cheato ball..

and a powerhead.

no type of filtration, cept for 100s of little white feather dusters


on my way to pick up a snail, and a yellow clown goby. if there is one for sale.




modded light. reflective tape..



dont like the hex tanks, but thats what I had...

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lil'wrasse cool

ya put some of that aluminum duct tape...hell of alot brighter after doing so..

ahh forgot to buy a back ground..

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