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D-D H2Ocean Magnesium Pro PLUS Salt


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has anyone tried this salt yet? I found this very informal review in my local club forum......


"I got my salt today & did a water change on my reef. I did a 100 gal change .I did all the test on it using a 5 gal test with RO/DI water & salinity at 1.025.


The Results


Calcium -520 great

Magnesium -1500 great

Alkalinity -8.64 Awesome

Ph 8.33 Awesome

Po4 -0.01 Great for a synthetic salt

Iodine - Little high but good if you have alot of SPS.

All things important to me are better than my Tropic Marin Pro Reef ,I will be using this salt in conjuction with Tropic Marin .The only bad part to the salt is measuring the 2 parts for a consistance batch."


i dont know the test kits used....

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has anyone tried this salt yet? I found this very informal review in my local club forum......


"I got my salt today & did a water change on my reef. I did a 100 gal change .I did all the test on it using a 5 gal test with RO/DI water & salinity at 1.025.


The Results


Calcium -520 great

Magnesium -1500 great

Alkalinity -8.64 Awesome

Ph 8.33 Awesome

Po4 -0.01 Great for a synthetic salt

Iodine - Little high but good if you have alot of SPS.

All things important to me are better than my Tropic Marin Pro Reef ,I will be using this salt in conjuction with Tropic Marin .The only bad part to the salt is measuring the 2 parts for a consistance batch."


i dont know the test kits used....


i believe there is a thread over at RC. let me try to find a link, rc search is down during the the day. Seems to be the latest & greatest in salt, a couple people here in socal have tested it with pretty much consisten results.


I plan to pick up a batch after I finish this bag of IO. Will let you guys know when i test it

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T-Bone, did you mix the salt bucket to bucket or anything before adding it to the water? My results on the salt were similar but calcium did not test all that great. It was just short of 400. I am just wondering if it was an issue of particles settling.

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Here's a thread I started on this salt. I've been using it now for two weeks and have done two water changes. I orignally used Tropic Marin but it had low calcium so I switched to Red Sea Coral Pro. The RSCP had much better calcium levels but was very low in Mg. I then found out about D-D H2Ocean and it seems to be the answer for me.



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I have seen a couple of threads on different boards and the CA was around 400-420. A CA of 520 seems unlikely. TBone... please test it again sometime and post the results of some fresh mixed (before adding to tank). Thanks

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I agree, I've mixed two batches and both tested the same for calcium at 420.


Here's how my first batch tested:


Temp 79

Salinity 1.026

PH 8.38 (PH probe with ACJR)

CA 420 (API)

ALK 10 (API)

MG 1320 (Salifert)

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I don't think 520 is out of the question...I use two salts for two different tanks...don't ask me why..but I just did this check last weekend:


Instant Ocean

Temp 80

SG 1.025

PH 8.2

dKh 11.9

Ca 420



Temp 80

SG 1.025

PH 8.2

dKh 12.6

Ca 520


Unfortunately, I don't have a Mg test kit yet...

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The reasons I say that 520 is unlikely..several others report the 400-425 range and unlike here in the US, European reef keepers tend to run their tanks at much lower ALK/CA then we do. The trend over there is keep things closeer to natural sea water levels especially ALK. Many of the imported salts run near those levels, ie. Tropic Marin, Tunze, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just ordered the big bucket from gulfaquaria.com.

I've been using IO through my first seven months... nothing wrong with it, just wanted to try something else!


Wish me luck on the switch!

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OK...you guys...post your levels when you get it...please. (freshly mixed water, not tank water)


mixed some D-D last night


1.025sg at 77 degrees gave me 440 ca with a salifert test kit.



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I don't think 520 is out of the question...I use two salts for two different tanks...don't ask me why..but I just did this check last weekend:


Instant Ocean

Temp 80

SG 1.025

PH 8.2

dKh 11.9

Ca 420


You get 420 Ca with Instant Ocean? I didn't even get close to that high with Reef Crystals...

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I agree, I think something is wrong with his test kit. Everyone else seems (this and other forums) to be in the 425-450 range.

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Masterbuilder - You thinking of using this for the Finnex or are you going to stick it out with the Tunze? They seem to test similar though the higher Mag here is intriguing if it helps stabilize Ca and dKh a bit better. I just got a bag of the Tunze so I'm going to give it a whirl this week some time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mixed up my first water change today with the D-D H2Ocean and got ....


Temp 79 deg

Sal 1.025

PH 8.3

Cal 420

dKh 9.0

Mag 1360


Seems pretty good for what I want. I had been using a bag of Tunze as a trial before trying the D-D H2Ocean to compare. Tunze for me tested a bit lower across the board (Ca 380, Ph 8.0, dKh 7.5).


Just have to see how the tank likes it now.

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Yup...I am thinking about it. I have about 1/2 tub of Tunze and might just change due to the higher Mg when I start running low..

When I test my Tunze I get slightly higher numbers across the board than you got with your tests, but ratios are about the same.


Let us know how things work out...interested.

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Will do. Not sure why but I seem to consistently get lower numbers when I test than what other people publish. I figure as long as I'm consistently bad at testing, it should be OK as I can at least compare how my testing technique works for different salts. That why I threw out the Tunze compare. Regardless, both tested WAY better than my previous tests with TMPR.


I was pleasantly surprised that my tests ran close to the manuf. published numbers. I'll let you know what the tank thinks of it once I'm done battling my algae issue.

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  • 2 months later...

Tbone I use the same salt and your calcium readings are very high, I had the same Issue when I was using my API test kit, which they have the tendency to run too high when they get old, I tested my water at 520 with an API and it seems wear so I decided to get a Salifert and the same water tested 420 with my new test kit. Salt is great by the way

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