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Coral Vue Hydros

Please Help Cloudy Water


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I just added my first corals. They are all healthy and doing well.


The tank cycled next week. Its a 34 Red Sea Max


Ammon .25

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 3

Calcium 400

SG 1.024

temp 79


Everything was at 0 b4 I added the corals. Should I do a water change? If yes, how much?

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What do you mean by cloudy? Did you stir up your sand when you put your corals in? It usually can take several hours for all the sand to settle afterward.

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Sexy Shrimp

If your ammonia is 0.25 you haven't finished cycling. Monitor closely as you may need to change to a soft cycle as you have added corals.


Just a little tip - you should always add fish first and corals last as each fish you add will cause a mini cycle...

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If your ammonia is 0.25 you haven't finished cycling. Monitor closely as you may need to change to a soft cycle as you have added corals.


Just a little tip - you should always add fish first and corals last as each fish you add will cause a mini cycle...



Okay - now I'm confused. The advice I have been given is to add the fish last. Are you sure they should be first???

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Sexy Shrimp

If you add a fish it will cause a mini cycle which will stress your corals. If you add the fish first the bacteria will have reached maximum levels and your tank will be more stable...

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