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Cooling Fan.


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I am looking for suggestions for a good quality cooling fan for my Solana. I use a chiller, which I can't do without, as my apartment reaches 98 deg. I saw giesemann fans on MarineDepot, but they where $200.00. I am not looking for anything too powerful as I rely on the top off bottles, I am just hoping to reduce the cost and load on the chiller.



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I am looking for suggestions for a good quality cooling fan for my Solana. I use a chiller, which I can't do without, as my apartment reaches 98 deg. I saw giesemann fans on MarineDepot, but they where $200.00. I am not looking for anything too powerful as I rely on the top off bottles, I am just hoping to reduce the cost and load on the chiller.



I recently installed fans on my 2 tanks from www.BuyExtras.com, very nice organization to deal with, may not have what you're looking for, but worth a shot! They have really first class merchandise at reasonable prices, don't know for a fact, but it appears to be overruns they purchase, nice stuff!


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$5 PC fan from Frys + 12V wall ac/dc adapter with adjustable voltage levels from Frys ($12) = Adjustable cooling. I leave it on 3V and it cools my pico from 82-83 to 79.5.


(The PC fan had leds, I just pulled them out.)


Just yank the plug off the fan, and cut off the plug from the wall adapter output, strip a little extra insulation off the wire, and twist them together with some little wire nuts. Good to go. If you turn it on and it doesn't work, or goes the wrong direction, switch the +/- wires around and try again.

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