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Brown Stuff at Base of Polyps


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Need some help. Just noticed some brown "stuff" at the base of these Zoa polyps. These are the only ones affected and are acting normally and fully open.


As you can see, they are brown at polyp base with red spots just above. Is this a fungus? Almost looks like old "skin" that it's shedding.




As background, this frag was sick with something that caused polyps to close, so went thru both Furan-2 and Lugol's dips to cure. This was a couple months ago. Tank params are normal and all other corals are fine.


I even checked old photos of this frag, and they seem to have off-color bases like this, just not so dark.


So, it this normal or something to be concerned about, and dip again? Thanks.

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Thanks! I agree. All Zoas in tank are open and healthy. Glad I was patient. Thanks again for the confirmation!

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Just to follow up. The Zoa's look fine and I think the CUC has been picking off the brown stuff, because the Zoa stalks are looking better/cleaner. Glad I didn't overreact.


With Zoas, it's hard to tell what's good and what's bad. Had an outbreak of Zoa Pox, and lost a couple frags before I started to dip (Furan-2 & Lugol's), which rescued a couple sick frags!


This all seems to be a combo of art (experience) and science!

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