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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Am I a Snail Parent?


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Yep! Unfortunately if you have any fish or other inverts in the tank they more than likely wont survive!



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Yep! Unfortunately if you have any fish or other inverts in the tank they more than likely wont survive!





i have a 6-line wrasse and 2 pep shrimps... think they will have a problem making it>?


also, what kind are these?

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They could be any one of the species of snails you have in the tank! Maybe someone with more experience could chime in. I would say they more than likely wont survive as they can be eaten by fish, crabs, shrimp, basically any other animal in the tank. They also get sucked into filtration.

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I have a tank with over one hundred different types of snails and always seem to get eggs all over the glass. They usually don't make it since I have a high turnover rate in that tank. You might want to try to keep them in a breeder net to see what they are. I have never really been interested in hatching them though or I would have tried it a long time ago. Let us know how it turns out. It could always be something else that you wouldn't have expected.

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i have breeding nassarius snails, nerite, and ceriths. Those eggs dont look like any of the three, my ceriths lay zig zag shaped sacs, the nerites lay white blobs on the rocks that look like bits of eggshell, and the one time my nassarius layed, they were TINY gel blobs, on the rocks much smaller then your photo.

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My snails breed every so often. I actually got a few to live and they're growing fast. Beats paying for them.

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