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ajlaman's 20g


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Hi everybody,

I just want to start by saying that I started this hobby about a year ago with saltwater and I've made every newb mistake with FOWLR mistake possible, but now I'm ready for round two with coral. I will start out at my current status. This is my current 10g tank with a single clownfish in it. His old friend, a cherub angel, is no longer a tank member. The current lighting is my old planted tank's old single 10,000k NO flourescent. A 69w aqualight PC has been purchased and will be at ym house Friday. The new tank-to-be is set up and I am running it with a filter. Salt has not been added, and neither has sand. I have 12lbs of LR in the 10g that will switch over, but the crushed coral substrate is going. I will buy 7lbs of baserock, but no live sand bc it will eventually come to life and I hardly have any bioload with one fish right now. Cheers!


edits: I'm going to keep the pic of my first 10 gallon tank on this post, but I'll always update it to the current picture so you all can see how its changed.

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Ok here's the new update. The light just came in Friday and I think it looks great; 30" Coralife PC 69w. I added salt today and I will move the stock from the other tank over tomorrow. Do you think I will experience a cycle?

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ok this morning i made the big switch from the 10g to the 20g and added 18lbs of base rock. Do you have any comments or suggestions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the past week I redid the aquascape and bought another clownfish that is 1.5xs bigger than the one I had. I'm hoping that I can breed them. And I friend stopped by today and gave me a frag of what I think is colt coral. It's opened up nicely. Hope you all like my current pics. Any of your comments would be really appreciated.

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thats a no on the cycle. I had no problem with nh4 or NO2. probably have alittle bit now or soon bc of the clown added yesterday, but it shouldnt be too much of a problem.

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Well I added more coral today, a brain coral. And I also got a pincushion urchin. Here's pics of the two, I'll post pics of the whole tank tomorrow when everything is opened.



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I got more coral and got rid of the pincushion urchin. The new corals are another colt coral which is still upset and opening up, a green mushroom attached to the colt coral's rock, a smaller green mushroom, and button polyps. Everything is still rather upset but some have opened up. Looking at my old pics I can see how bad my old colt looked at first so I'm not too concerned. My xenia opened up ok and my old colt coral is happy as ever, while my brain coral is growing back on the dead part of his exoskeleton.



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I also got rid of the 450gph hob filter and put it one for a 10 gallon tank and a powerhead to get things circulating and its really nice and peaceful now!

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