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Coral Vue Hydros

Spiders in tank(ahh)


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So as I was enjoying viewing my tank not to my surprise I find a dead spider floating around. Now being as I live in a basement and my tank light would be a nice place for the little critters to hide, is this bad? I tried to grab the baster as soon as I saw it but it was blown under a rock and cant find it other then increasing the ammonia what else would be the effects of this? Who else has these problems and how to avoid it?

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well i live in the basement as well and i have millions of spiders lol well i try not to kill them but theyre always around i see at least one a night and i put them outside, i kill alot too :)


anyway closed top is probly the best solution or some kind of fine mesh that you can place over the tank that wont corrode or mess up light penetration cuz a plexiglass top will make your temp rise pretty fast

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I wouldn't worry about the spider -- your clean-up crew will take care of it. As long as it wasn't a monster tarantula I doubt it will leave any ammonia -- the bristle worms will have probably eaten it already.

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i've found flies, bees, even a NYC-style big honking cockroach (and i don't have cockroaches :huh: ) floating in my tanks. really nothing you can do about it other than fishing them out once you find them.


i wouldn't leave them in the tank for the cuc though. who needs the added nutrient aggravation? a small biomass can still contribute a LOT of nutrients into our setups.

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I have an open-top tank with halide pendants hanging over it. Every single time a moth finds its way into the house, it goes straight for the bright light, bounces off of it, end up in the water, and then in my filters.


I probably get 1-2 moths per day in my filters. I pull them out as often as I can, but they keep coming. My tank is fine.


I wouldn't worry about it unless it is a huge spider. Just pick out the little corpses when you can, don't sweat the ones you can't get to.


This, among other reasons, is why we do water changes. :P

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Glad to hear I'm not the only one with problems I have a closed top but i feel the spiders have made a home in my hood I have a NC 12dx with stock hood good to hear I have nothing to fear! cockroaches eeekk thats creepy crawler style

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