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Cultivated Reef

New Corals !


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I picked up some odd/rare? zoas yesterday and also some Daisy Polyps for the wife.


The ones in the center, I'll have to get a better pic later. I'm sick in bed and just got up for a few mins to snap these :)


****Edit, I THINK these resemble the RIng of Fire the most.

There is a group of 10 in the center of the image, then 2 above that and another 3 on the top side of the rock. it also has about 10 unopened zoas on the bottom center front of the rock. I hope they are the same type. They are really unique looking in person!! very bright!




New Daisy's and some kind of green daiseys or GSP? not sure...literally 200 on this rock.



Pic of the entire tank currently. I need to move the old zoas up higher for better lighting. They arent as colorful as they were when I got them :(



My old zoas, they are reproducing like crazy! woo hoo!



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