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Snails at the top of the tank


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For some reason, my snails (3 nerite, 1 red footed conch) love to hang out at the top of my tank right where the water meets the air. Any idea why they like to do that? I'd much rather them scour the bottom of the tank for my GHA...

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My nerites also stay up at top. During the night they come down, and so far have never left the tank since I've gone open-top. They don't seem to eat any hair algae though. My cerith snails pay more attention to green hair algae.


I just got some nassarius snails. They are awesome...move really fast!!

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Keanu Reefs

I have a mix of cerith, nerites, nasserius, and a margarita and at one time a trochus and they have all hung out at the waterline for hours at a time then head back in and get back to work eventually.

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I just got some nassarius snails. They are awesome...move really fast!!


especially at feeding time. you can see them all come up from beneath the sandbed looking for food. it's especially funny when you see a half dozen of them scale the glass only to fall back down to the sand almost at the same time

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