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AP24 and Chiller


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How many people run a chiller on thier tanks? And Which one? Had some heat issues and lost a bunch of livestock. I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. I am just having a hard time deciding on a chiller especially since I may be upgrading to a larger tank within the year. Any help or input is appreciated.

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When I first started my ap 24 it would run too hot too. Now i just run a wal-mart fan over it and it drops the temp by at least foure degrees but You will need to top off a lot more than usual since evasp will be a problem.

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I was thinking aobut getting rid of my ap 12 with hqi for chiller but I think IO'm getting like 1200 back for my stimulus check. If it's that much I will just buy on along with an ATO, but if it's lower I might have to sell.

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How many people run a chiller on thier tanks? And Which one? Had some heat issues and lost a bunch of livestock. I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. I am just having a hard time deciding on a chiller especially since I may be upgrading to a larger tank within the year. Any help or input is appreciated.


Same here. Do you have the cover or using an sunpod. I am using the cover and want to know what chiller works with it?

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Excellent question. Have the exact same question my self. AP 24 with hood. Considering a chiller, but don't know much about them.

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I have an AP24, 150W SunPod, and a CUrrant USA 1/15 chiller. When I was running the tank with the stock 64W hood it got up to 86*. With the chiller it runs 79-82. It's constantly shutting on and off, so either the input and output are too close, I'm not using enough circulation (MJ1200), or it's actually a bit of overkill. Personally I think if a fan works go with it. That said, I won't use a fan. I keep the house at 80* all summer (OK, April-October) since it's Vegas and lower would bankrupt me. That and without an ATO the salinity would vary too much.

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I too have the stock PC lighting set up with the hood. My tank is currently running arround 82-84. But last weekend spiked to 91 and it hurt the tank bad. I have been running my AC when needed but was thinking the chiller might be a cheaper way to go.

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