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should I go for the BC8 or 14?


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hi everybody,

I've been keeping a successful FOWLR 10g tank that I got all of the parts for myself for the past six or 7 months. Now I've decided to switch over to coral and I'll be buying a BioCube before the end of the month. I have an osc. clown and a cherub pigmy angel fish. My question is should I get an 8g or 14gBC. I know the advantages of having a larger tank, but I don't have the money to stock a tank with coral the way that I would want to if its taht much bigger. I'm mostly concerned on whether or not the bioload would be too high for coral with the smaller tank, and that the pigmy would go crazy inthe smaller tank. Thanks for any advice,


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I Ate A Cake

If the Clown and the Angel are going into the new tank, then the 14 cannot be overlooked. This is really like 10-12 gallons, because of the false wall. A BC8 wont be enough room.

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I have a 14 biocube with 13 pounds LR and 10 pounds live sand. It actually only has around 8 gallons of water in it, and tho I am no expert by any means I would suggest you get the 14 like me.


Gotta add the 14 is only $50 dollars more

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I love my 8g as a goby tank but if you have those fish to transfer over get the 14 or go big on a 29g :P which my brother absolutely loves! Check out my sig for shots of my 40, 20 prop, and 8g BC if you want some ideas :P

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