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Coral Vue Hydros

need help making a sump/refug.


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So i decided to get a 55g tank, and using a 20g for the sump/refug. But I have no idea how to do it. Can anyone help me by sending me in the right direction to a diy or something similar?

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I have a 45G with 10G sump.

It's all a matter of what you want to build...I bought the overflow box and tubing at the LFS for $50.

I have an Hagen 70 (802) pumping the water back into the tank.


In the sump I divided it into two sections using eggcrate, cut it to fit into the tank...in one section (1/4 of the sump), i put the 802, and a protein skimmer, in the other section (3/4) I put live sand and lots of live rock rubble and some plants into it along with a compact lighting strip for the rock and plants.


If you wanted to make your own overflow box:



I have actually even seen someone make an overflow box out of an ordinary water bottle...I believe it was posted on youtube...


I read through these before making mine...


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thanks for the quick answers im taking a look at the link that reefone gave me and it looks kinda of simple -_- .


do you have any pics of your sump DCG?

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