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Call for flatworm infested tanks- flatworm research


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Hello Nano Reef Keepers,


I am conducting flatworm research in the marine aquarium trade across the U.S. for my masters degree in biology at Hofstra University in Hempstead New York.


Attached to this e-mail is survey that will document your flatworm infestations. Please fill it out so I can include your entry to determine how widespread this problem is as one part of my project

There is more info provided on the survey.



-Drew Lynford

Elmont, New York



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I took the survey for you.


You might want to include a question on the survey that addresses how long it has been since the tank has been treated. May people report a complete decimation of flatworms only to have them resurge 3-6 months later.

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You might want to include in the survey questions that document tanks that have / have had flatworms without experiencing problems with them.


For example, in my 6gallon pico I had flatworms I positively ID'ed as convolutriba retrogemma, but they never became a problem -- I just removed the few I saw.


I have red flatworms in my two other tanks. (a 30g and a 55g) (I haven't positively ID'd them but they are all red rather than just having the one spot that the retrogemma does), and are not even approaching being a problem.


I think massive flatworm overgrowth might just be an effect of having too many nutrients (just like GHA and aiptasia problems) so two people might have them in their tanks, but only one has a "problem".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Mr. Fosi,

Thanks for the feedback. Do you have any creative ideas how we can include more people in this survey study?


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