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Cultivated Reef

mushroom looking grey around the edges


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I came home earlier and saw that one of my red spotted mushrooms is looking sort of greyish and somewhat shriveled around the edges. Nothing else in my tank looks different. All levels are good. Any ideas what it could be without looking at a picture?


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I came home earlier and saw that one of my mushrooms is looking sort of greyish and somewhat shriveled around the edges. Nothing else in my tank looks different. All levels are good. Any ideas what it could be without looking at a picture?



Since when did my grandma go by the name Mushroom. :P:lol::lol::lol:






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Something may have stung it. Some of my shrooms looked like that when they touched my GSP. Do you have anything close to it that could irritate it? It's probably nothing more than irritated so I wouldn't expect it to die, just keep an eye on it to see if it gets worse.

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