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Where to place corals?


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ok so i have some corals...havent officially placedthem yet so...


i kindaneed some helpon where to place them to make sure there haapy and im happy with where they r...



(a) current

(B) lighting

© etc



ok so i have a 29BC

it has the stock lighting (PCs i think)

and the stock pump...forgit what it is


well any ways may corals r in my sig. except some zoas


thanks in advance!

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put xenia anywhere some people have them in direct high current some people have them in low current, kenya tree put it in low flow so it can expand and not tip over least thats what I did with mine, i would assume putting a leather finger in low current as well, mushrooms all like low current with the light intensity i dont know my mushrooms move towards the light and frogspawn in medium to low indirect current so it can expand well the more light the better for LPS

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