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shrimp molt and adding another


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12 gal nano with cuc, 2 peps a cleaner and some kenya tree


ok first question do cleaners like a mate or buddy to live with them and if i'm thinking of adding 2 false percs is this too much for a 12 gal.


2nd, my cleaner molted do i need to remove the molt from tank?

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The molt is good to leave in there. I don't remember why but it is good! And your CUC will probably eat most if it anyway. Mine usually does.

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I believe Peppermint shrimps like to be in at least threes.. but having 2 should be fine. A 12 with 2 clowns is pushing it, but it's been done a lot. Just depends on how willing you are in keeping the tank healthy down the road. More bio-load (particularly the clowns) the more work you have cut out for yourself.


You can leave the molt in... the shrimp that molted may munch on it to regain some nutrients for it's newly formed exo-skeleton. I have heard though, after a week of it being there, take it out and toss it.. as it may pollute the water if not eaten.

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i have the 2 pepps right now but they dont even hang together so i don't know about adding a third.

what about the cleaner that was my main concern should he have a pal or girl to hang with? would that make him happier

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i have the 2 pepps right now but they dont even hang together so i don't know about adding a third.

what about the cleaner that was my main concern should he have a pal or girl to hang with? would that make him happier


"Happier" is very subjective, so I'm not sure if I can answer that question. I would think most creatures long to be around another of it's own kind... but I don't think it's a necessity. I used to have 3 pepps and 1 cleaner at one point of time. And sorry about the confusion on the name of shrimp. If you didn't know already, peppermints are still considered a type of cleaner. They can also have "cleaner" tendencies.

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