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Coral Vue Hydros

Current USA Dual Satellite Compact Fluorescent Fixtures


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i got the 12 inch version to go on my nano cube but have since upgraded my tank to a 20 inch 15 gallon so theres space in on the sides but they work really great and you dont need any moon light leds because its already built in.


I am defineitly going to get the 20inch version when I am able to.

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i got the 12 inch version to go on my nano cube but have since upgraded my tank to a 20 inch 15 gallon so theres space in on the sides but they work really great and you dont need any moon light leds because its already built in.


I am defineitly going to get the 20inch version when I am able to.



Exactly I am going to get the 12inch one for my BC8. Did you also have it on a BC8 if so did it fit well on top with the mounting legs?

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I have the 12" dual 18w coralife with the mounting legs I will sell you cheap only used for three days!

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I use the 12" on my cube master 12gl didn't use mounting legs have it resting on my top.



I dont have it on a bc8 but on a 12gallon nano cube forgot who makes it, I am waiting for my 20" to come in so I will have the 12" dual 36 watt fixture not being used

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