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Innovative Marine Aquariums

I blew my first couple hundered on my first reef tank :)


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Well I did it,I got the aquapod 24 gallon and all the other goodies.

Cost $350 shipped,on ebay I landed a refractometer that is heavy duty and well built(compared to others) for $30 so I guess I'm going to be set. I owe my parents $50 but I'll pay it back and earn $60 for LR. My plan is a good snail based CUC with a brittle star and maybe a eventual urchin thats fed nori. I'm wanting a clown pair or maybe a form of goby. My LFS here is crapola so it's online for almost everything minus some astreas and ceriths. I'm wondering on LR since I'm 15 and money is like not easy to get,I'd love rock with lots of hitchhikers and don't care too much about coralline.

I heard sea life is good but the prices are not as good as Ocean Pro but I dunno about what critters I get.

A random question who the youngest reefer here ?

I know there are kids younger than 15 around here somewhere :D

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welcome to reefing


Psssst ...kid....wana buy a frag?

















































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Sounds like a plan! Sea life rock does have alot of life from what I hear. You are gonna probably need at least 20 lbs for that tank so if you do find that much for $60 let us know! Post some pics as you go! I am 31 so I dont think I qualify!

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24 Gallon is a good size to start out with. I got my first marine tank when I was 15, it was a 55. I wasted so much money on that POS. Just remember to do your home work.


For live rock, try ordering off of www.drsfostersmith.com , they have a "base rock" on their that is really cheap.

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you can do a mix of dry rock and live rock, dry rock is cheeper to buy and cheeper to ship, but you also have to be more patiant


I am a 41 year old kid...


keep your eyes pealed try RC, look for "getting out reefers", people leaving the hobby. you can often buy some fairly amazing cured used LR for $1-2/LB, plus us old kids give the young kids discounts and extras often times

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congrats on your AP24...I got mine off eBay too, local pick up and I dare say, extremely reasonable in cost Do you have a craigslist by you? If so, lotta nice deals at times, at least here (Tucson) on live rock, tanks, equipment. Also check saltwaterfish.com classified to see if you can score any deals.


Can't help you on the age thing, I'm older than Filefish.....this hobby will suck you dry, do a lot of online shopping and price comparisons as well.


Will be following your tank as you get it going, I love seeing what others do with their little pieces of the ocean.

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I agree with the base + live rock. Sea Life has both but if your LFS has base that will save you on shipping. If you follow the rule of taking it slow, you might be able to earn the money as you go. Just be sure to research before you buy anything. I forgot to see if you have listed where you live. If not, you might post it in case someone near you can help you out.


I just sent a 24g Nano home with my daughter & son-in-law. She is calling me daily with questions. Most of them you can do a search on here to find the answers. If you don't find the answers, just ask.

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I've looked constantly since I was going to do a 30 gallon but got frustrated in finding nothing(tank wise or rock wise) so I bought the AP. I know ocean pro is good priced I can get half dry half good LR(according to them) for $60 shipped for like 20 pounds total. I thought about using my 50 gallon carnivorous plant tank but I value them too much to move them(they need good conditions) and the one grand in equipment(eek!). I spent 3 months reading and comparing junk,it was torture comparing stuff and going between many ideas while trying to be frugal without being a cheap scate. I'll go to RC and here for some LR when I get my tank and stuff.

Thanks for all the nice and welcoming replies :D


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:welcome: to NR! :)


Just a little advice: Do your research and try to buy any equipment you need used, this will save you so much money in the long run. I know how hard it is to setup and maintain a reef when you're getting paid on allowance and odd jobs. I don't think I qualify for the youngest reefer here (I'm only a year younger than you), but it's nice to know there's some other teen reefers out there. Good luck with your tank and keep us updated! ;)

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Be careful about buying from NR or RC. Research the seller before you buy. Otherwise you might be out the money with nothing to show for it.

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What do you have for fish stores around you? Never been to that area since I have been in oregon but it looks nice, maybe a little out of the way though!

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I forgot to see if you have listed where you live. If not, you might post it in case someone near you can help you out.


I don't agree with Sue (sorry sue! :) ). I don't believe that minors should post their location. Either in a post or in the location area. There are too many wierdos out there. I am speaking as both a parent, and a person charged with helping to educate young people (high school teacher). I also can't help you. I have a son that is 16, and a daughter that is 13.


Other than that, welcome :)


Since you did post your location (you should change it), check out WWW.PNWMAS.ORG. It is a local fish club that spans from north of Vancouver to south of Medford, from the great Pacific to Bend. Some really nice people there. I am a member, and there are meetings every month (usually in Portland/Salem). We are having Bob Fenner come speak in July. There will be some advanced topics, but also a beginner discussion. You should check it out.


BTW, if you are close to Portland area, get your tank cycled, and then PM me (here or at the PNWMAS page) and I will hook you up with some xenia for free. Maybe even some other small frags as well.


If you do sign up at PNWMAS, be sure to credit me with directing you there. If I get 5 referrals, I get a free toaster (just kidding).



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Be careful about buying from NR or RC. Research the seller before you buy. Otherwise you might be out the money with nothing to show for it.


that is for sure. i like doing business FTF, I am luckey in SO CAL, there are literaly hundreds of reefers on RC within a 30 minute drive from me.


truthfully the only reason i ship is that I know there are a lot of people that do not have a decent LFS around and the online sellers can be prety darnd pricey. I have to say that packing live coral for shiping is a real PITA.



I don't agree with Sue (sorry sue! :) ). I don't believe that minors should post their location. Either in a post or in the location area. There are too many wierdos out there. I am speaking as both a parent, and a person charged with helping to educate young people (high school teacher).


Other than that, welcome :)





are you saying even the city... i guess that could get some perv to PM him.. I wish the world were safe for kids

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I agree with not posting location. I should have asked what state. You can't be too careful these days.

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He only has the county and the state! Besides this hardly seems like a place pedophiles would hang out trolling for kids! But I guess better safe than sorry!

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What do you have for fish stores around you? Never been to that area since I have been in oregon but it looks nice, maybe a little out of the way though!


In Portland there are at least 5 saltwater stores, and 4 of them are really nice. There used to be 2 more in salem, but they both closed down in the last year. There is another in Albany (I would not go there if it was the LAST store in Oregon). There are a couple more good ones in Corvallis and Eugene.


I kinda think that I am in an area with a lot of good fish stores, at least for being in hickville, and out of the way. :)

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In Portland there are at least 5 saltwater stores, and 4 of them are really nice. There used to be 2 more in salem, but they both closed down in the last year. There is another in Albany (I would not go there if it was the LAST store in Oregon). There are a couple more good ones in Corvallis and Eugene.


I kinda think that I am in an area with a lot of good fish stores, at least for being in hickville, and out of the way. :)


That's no fair! Tell some of them to come to my area of hickville! I have to drive an hour. I'm jealous!



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learn to love spending money

cause ur gonna be doing it alot



That's not really true. I haven't bought coral or anything in quite a while. Just salt to do water changes. Some people spend a lot, some don't.

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Where are you dsoz? I am in portland and you are right we have some pretty good stores here! The op is in coos bay I believe and I was just wondering about stores down there, doesnt seem like there are many large towns or cities around there but like I said I have never been there!

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I'm kinda far from any good LFS mine is like freshwater and some coral nothing much no fish or anything good really. We have a few (unfortunately) pedophiles within a very short walking distance(thats our 100 yearold dead tiny nothing off the map town) we are in the country though and have enough land to have a good buffer(10 acres). I am really far from Portland and far enough from bend and those cities. My mom is due in a month and I have 4 siblings so thats not going to happen. My dad is busy in other words if it is 45 minutes or closer it might work otherwise no. Personally I think my county is large enough to keep people away I mean I'm away from any town,the nearest town is small and the only LFS is like 30 minutes away in a medium sized town. Coos county is pretty large there are 5 cities and there spaced out far so I'm personally not worried about it but if I listed my city then ya I'd prefer not to do so.

I really only feel comfortable trading or buying from forum members who have like 750 posts or 500 and/or seem rooted into the community. I've done like 10 plant trades so far and haven't been burned ... yet. I'd absolutely love to buy some frags within the state or adjoining states since the shipping could be USPS priority then I can get some easy frags for less money .

Ironically all the carnivorous plant people are in Florida and socal other are jsut randomly dotted throughout the US :)

To make you feel better about the size of the county : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coos_County,_Oregon

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That's not always the case. Check out this thread.




I am waiting to see if the part to the skimmer he said he mailed arrives. At least I got the skimmer. It was a smaller size than stated so I paid too much for it but he says he will refund what I don't get for it when I sell it since it is also too large for the section of my sump. He assured me several times it would fit. He has over 1,000 posts.

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Sorry about that,I typically go by that but on my forum afetr almsot 2 years of being there I know some people pretty well those people have never given me problems.

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I am 16 and I am buying a aquapod soon as well. I am getting the sunpod one though. which one do you have?

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I tell you what when you are ready I am switching to a 34g from a pico and have some zoas, shrooms, and some xenia as well as a small neon candy cane that I can sell you cheap! The shipping should be pretty cheap as well! I dont have any feedback negative or otherwise. I have been here a while, know how to ship and the few frags would at least be a start!

Let me know! Just pm me when you are ready!

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