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quick zoa ids please


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these are like opposites of whamin watermelons (inverted color scheme).


There are two types of zoas on here which ones are they?




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i have a colony of the frist ones as well... but i dont know the name... on the second one it looks like raido active dragon eyes and i dont know the bigger ones

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5 for $10 is a rip off, those are watermelon zoa's. They grow fast and are very common, 12-15 polyps for around $10-12 is what I usually see them go for as frags.

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well i got the whole colony for $45 which was like 45-50+ polyps so then like $5 for the frags after they grow out?

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You guys are all idiots! Those are obviously superdeluxe heavy polymer god coated magic nuclear fallout sunspot polyps! I can't believe how naive you all are......

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