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Oops. Snail in my bubble!


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Please help a cerith snail fell off of my glass into my bubble coral a few days ago, and he hasn't been inflating normally for a couple of days. Do you guys think this could be a problem. If I'm gonna lose my favorite coral, I'd like to prepare myself.



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Please help a cerith snail fell off of my glass into my bubble coral a few days ago, and he hasn't been inflating normally for a couple of days. Do you guys think this could be a problem. If I'm gonna lose my favorite coral, I'd like to prepare myself.





I'm not sure. I never had that happen to mine. Hopefully he is getting ready to spew!

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Well just in case anybody was wondering what happened to my bubble after my snail fell into him, he's fine. As for the snail I don't really know. Probably digested, but the bubble coral is fully expanded again and seems to be enjoying life.

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