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Coral Vue Hydros

Purigen,carbon .....


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Well I'm just wondering is purigen worth me getting ?

I was thinking about buying some carbon like a liter and some purigen then some LR rubble for the back of my aquapod I'm getting.. Is that a good idea ? On recharging the purigen am I right in saying you use a light concentration of bleach water for soaking wait awhile then do some rinses ?

I'm hoping that will take out some of the nitrates so I don't have do do tons of initial water changes.

Black Diamond 1.87 L $9.59

Purigen 100 ml. w/ mesh bag $6.99

Master Liquid Test Kit Saltwater $17.99

Maxi-Jet Powerhead/Pump Model 900 (230 gph) $15.99

Lugol's Solution 1 oz $10.99

Hydrometer(instant ocean) 1.000 to 1.030 specific gravity

Ocean Nutrition Formula One Flakes 2.5 oz $4.99(for whatever I get in the tank hitchhicker wise)

Aquarium Systems Synthetic Sea Salt Reef Crystals 160 gallon mix $31.99

Stealth Heater 75W $15.29

Thermometer 2-1/4" x 1-1/2" $6.99

Fine Mesh Media Bag 12" x 15" $2.19

AquaPod 24 gallon, 64W Compact Fluorescent System $178.49

Tetra Submersible Heaters 50 watt; 5-3/4"; up to 10 gallons $12.99

Caribbean Live Sand Original Grade Substrate 20 lbs $19.99 (or should I get different sand?)

$360 shipped not bad but then I'm going to spend $70 on LR thats 1/2 base and 1/2 live LR shipped to my house...

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Get the 3pk of Purigen from Drsfostersmith.com which is like $18 and ditch the carbon.....


recharging is cleaning in bleach, rinse and then soak in seachem Prime de-chlorinator.

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Alright then screw the carbon :) The dechlorinater may cost abit but I'll be abkle to reuse the purigen 3 times over for each package. I'm ordering from DR foster and smith there aquapods are cheaper than anywhere else and there products are pretty cheap compared to other places.

But there livestock prices are horrific.

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