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Water flow how important is it and


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there is a nice program called irfanview that is easy to use for resizing/cropping/changing the formatting of pictures.

I find that resizing a 6 megapixel image to a reasonable size will drop the filesize from like 4 megabytes to about 600kb.

thought that might help a bit...



Cool thanks for the info!!

Hey Hector did you notice how the fingers on the gsp aren't extended as much as yours? I'm thinking I don't have enough flow on them what do you think?

Also I will give you a call tonight about that frog spawn! Thanks, Chuck

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Actualy the photos look like crap IMO . The original files were around 4 mb I had crop and resize and get the files below 1mb just to up load the originals look much better! But thanks ! :D

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