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Biospira while cycling LR?


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I am ordering my LR tomorrow morning and plan on cycling it in an icechest w/ ph and heater .....does anyone know if biospira would help/hurt or anything?


....sorry curing my live rock :P

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won't help, so don't add it (nor any other "bottled bacteria"). Not to mention that Bio-Spira, I think, is for freshwater tanks.

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There is no need to use a bacterial additive. Your live rock will contain plenty of bacteria to start your cycle, but I don't think using it would actually hurt the process.


Edit: lak beat me again.... :rolleyes:

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there is some for SW ....im pretty sure it is ....had clowns on the from of the package and was at a SW lfs ....but thanks for the info .....so i shouldnt even add it when i actually cycle the tank?

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There is a Marine version but it's not intended to be dumped on liverock, it is meant to be used over the filter media to kick start that.


I've used the Marine version with good results but don't rush things to much, wait until the rock is in the tank before using otherwise it's a waste. I added it after the cycle and before adding fish.

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It won't hurt but probably won't help much.


The die off from the live rock will happen regardless and that will fuel your cycle.

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