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Rogue Zoanthid

Militant Jurist

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Militant Jurist

So the last couple days, I've seen a stray zoanthid appearing in different positions. Can they spread by separating from the main colony? I had thought that this guy maybe was pulled from the colony by a crab, but then it would have released toxins. This sole guy is seemingly happy every time i see it in a new place... its head is usually completely out like nothing is wrong.

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So the last couple days, I've seen a stray zoanthid appearing in different positions. Can they spread by separating from the main colony? I had thought that this guy maybe was pulled from the colony by a crab, but then it would have released toxins. This sole guy is seemingly happy every time i see it in a new place... its head is usually completely out like nothing is wrong.


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This happens all the time with my dad's xenia and shrooms. The flow is to much so the coral either detaches or simply gets blown off and shrooms and xenia are popping up all over the place.

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I have a few polyps in my tank do the same thing. I try to put them in little holes in the LR when I do waterchange's so that they will reattach themselves to the rock again. the few that have been settled in new spots are doing great and started to grow on the rock

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