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Cultivated Reef

Water flow?


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Hello all,

I am just curious to know if my water flow is too high. I have a JBJ 24g NC-DX. Changed stock pump to maxi-jet 900 and I also have a nano-koralia in the left corner. I did this based on many other peoples mods. (click link below to see pics of my set up)

I picked up 2 true perculas two days ago and it just seems like they are swimming very hard all the time. They also seem to purposely put themselves right in front of the koralia in the highest flow area. Is this normal? or do I have too much water flow?

I am also going to be picking up a small neon green bubble anemone for them tonight. What 'flow' area should I put him in? (high, low, etc???)


Thank you in advance!!!

-Ella :)

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Yeah, percs like flow so they will often do that, in my experience. But an anemone? Most people here would not recommend it for a tank that small. And if it dies your tank runs a high risk of crashing. I had a beautiful pink BTA and took him out last week after my tank tripped the GFI and was out of power for a few hours. Too close for my comfort. In any event, you can put an anemone where you want, but it'll move to where IT wants to be. :)

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Where do they usually want to be?

where ever is most inconvenent. behind the rocks, in the overflow, climbing for the lights. you know any where but where you want them.

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A 20 day old tank is probably not mature enough to handle an anemone, but to answer your question, they'll move to whatever spot suits them best. Unfortunately, that spot is usually not where you want them to be.

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