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clown fish start attacking my hand like crazy


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i know clownfish will nip at your hand while you have it in there, but today one of my clown fish was fighting my hand. nipped me 5-6 times in a roll. i chased it off and repositioned the fallen coral, then he attacked my hand again! i was like...what the hell stop it, so i tried to flick it but he ran away. then i realized that im missing a clown fish. ive been looking high and low, on the ground, at the back of the tank, filter, on the sand back of my rock work, but hes no where to be found. so i came up with 2 theories...either the missing one is a female and shes pregnant and laying her eggs and the male is protecting her, so hes fighting with my hand




the other clown died, the one left is morning his/her death by attacking my hand

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