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Missing peppermint shrimp!


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I purchased 2 as part of my cleaning crew about a month ago. One is pregnant and still there, but the other just dissapeared about 2 days ago. I have looked in every hole in the rock. No body parts. Do they hide for some time? Is this normal behavior? I have a 29G Biocube which is totally covered and I have also looked in the 3 rear chambers. Any input will be appreciated.

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peppermint shrimp have a reputation for going AWOL. I lost one to the black abyss and have seen many threads just like this. They just seem to disappear. I don't think I will buy any more to replace mine.

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could be molting too...my shrimp have been known to disappear for a day or two during the molt process, they will just hang out hidden in the rock work, then one day you will see them...

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Its seems as if peppermint shrimp have a nact for disappearing.


Do you have any crabs, or hermits.


If the shrimp died the ccrabs would devour the corpse

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Mine disappeared about a month ago. Never saw any body parts. I think that my crabs must have devoured him. Funny that I never saw any parts of his shell floating around or anything.

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yes peppermint shrimp do have a tendency to go AWOL. i posted this same thread a few months back and have since seen about one of these a week pop up. nobody can explain it!

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Pray its gone forever...they are the devil. As you might have guessed, I don’t care for them. As they get larger they become very aggressive and mine is quite destructive.

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Mischeif Nite
Pray its gone forever...they are the devil. As you might have guessed, I don’t care for them. As they get larger they become very aggressive and mine is quite destructive.



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I had mine disappear a couple days ago as well. I knew he was in the back of the tank for a few days prior, wouldn't come out for food during the light, and was pretty white, with the only red on his legs. I just figured he was molting, but now I haven't seen him at all for two days straight. If he did pass on to a better life in shrimp heaven, I'm sure my hermit made short work of his corpse.

It may be for the best though, seeing as how I plan on getting a yellow watchman goby and a pistol shrimp to pair up with him. I wouldn't want any competition between the two shrimps, if there would be any.

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Mine went MIA a few weeks ago too. Never found it's body either. I'm just going to get a cleaner shrimp later. At least he ate my aiptasia before going missing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just learned that these guys may have been at fault. They are not reef safe, so be on the lookout after lights out. I removed the two that I had, they came with the live rock. Just look at their claws! Also the bore through your rock and will eventually weaken it.

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