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Metal Halide Question


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I think you are going to get some heat transfer with MH regardless of what fixture you choose.


I use the Sunpod on my BC29 and love it. I do run a small desk fan on the same timer schedule as my lights and that seems to take care of it.

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You may also want to consider the jbj viper clamp on light or a sunpod. Personally, I ended up going with a 70W sunpod since it also had moonlights too.

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Could you recommend a good metal halide fixture for my tank that has little or no heat transference.


There is no such thing, all MH produce heat.

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If you are going open top then I wouldn't worry about too much heat transfer. A small fan can take care of that. Even with a 70w MH in my stock nanocube hood my temps never reach 82 and I don't have a chiller.

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well this pertains directly to my situation... i just got an incredible 150W HQ double actinic Current pendant fixture...It casts a great light over the tank, and only raises the temp a little...you'll need to toy with your thermometer...my temperature is controlled and doesn't get too hot, if your does just by a chiller. But so far my fixture has been great. It has 2 timers, a cooling fan and the bulbs I mentioned... You might want to check that out

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Will the 150W make my tanks water overheat ? If I get it will I have to get a chiller?

do you really need MH ? what are you planning to keep in there? what you have now PC's should work just fine... Maybe you should look at T5's..... less heat than the PC's more light and a lot less heat than MH..... you could use a MH pendant and that would be cooler as you could get it further from the water surface....

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I would go with the sunpod, has moon lights and 150w, which would be great for your system. The clamp on type of lights can sometimes overheat and fall into the water (as you can imagine, not good) or the one that eddie suggested since it would just hang (unfortunately no moonlights though) . The easiest thing to control heating problems is to get a small fan to blow on the open surface to evaporate cool the water. Put it on a timer on and off every 15 - 30 minutes and you should be fine, but you will have to replace water everyday, or set up an ATO.

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I'm considoring updating the lighting on my NC12dx to metal halide. Could you recommend a good metal halide fixture for my tank that has little or no heat transference. I'm considoring the Aqualight Advanced Series HQI Metal Halide Fixture http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod...mp;pcatid=13922


I have exactly what you are looking at over my NC12g. I have not noticed very much heat transference. In fact I still find it necessary to use my heater.


EDIT: if you put it on correctly, you shouldn't have a problem with it falling in the water.

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