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Top Shelf Aquatics

Refugium Lighting on AP 12G


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I have an AP12G. It has 4 chambers. I removed the black plastic covering chambers 1 through 3 from the back. Filter floss in chamber 1. Chaeto in chamber 2. Heater and chemi-pure (with some distance) in Chamber 3.


I am using a 13w compact fluorescent hang-on-light from Tom's aquarium (i think it is 6700K, but verifying).


I am using aluminum foil around the light in order to keep it only on chamber 2. Is this ok? Is it hurting the growth of my chaeto? I did not want the light on my filterfloss and chemipure.


I have had the chaeto and this setup for 1 week exactly and it does not look much bigger, but maybe I need to wait longer.


Is aluminum foil okay as a reflector/barrier for my compact fluorescent light on my refugium?

(If not harmful I will leave, if a waste of good light for my chaeto please point me to a DIY alternative or something I can purchase online.)


(If known) How soon should I see noticeable growth of my chaeto? 1 week? 2 weeks? 3+ weeks?



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Aluminum foil isn't the best reflector(plain white is better), but it there's no real harm it will do, and you're using it for more than just a reflector. Blocking the light from the floss & chemipure will help prevent any algae growth there.

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