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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Eshopps overflow on a Aquapod 24


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I have installed a Eshopps WD-75CS on an AP 24 HQI the inner part of the overflow will not fit in the back chambers. So I had to place it on the side. This side is not a viewing spot due to bird cage placement. But the box is in plain sight when facing the tank from the front. At first I hated this but I go used to it quickly.


Air does accumulate it the U tube with either a maxi jet 1200 or 900 pump. Do I need less of more pump to solve this.


I will install some partitions in the sump to use as a fuge. Mineral mud is on order, Chaeto is already in it. With a 10K 14W tube above it





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Funny thing, I am working on an overflow that will fit into the rear center chamber on the new nanocube 28. To resolve the air accumulation problem use an Aqualifter pump. This pump is made t remove air and water. This will keep the u-tube full of water w/o the air.

The pump will also help prime the utube in the times it didn't keep siphon

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