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Coral Vue Hydros

New but basic SW Tank


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If i wanted to start a new aquarium and have the bare minimum of things on it what will i need? By bare minimum I mean I dont want a strong light just a light that can cover FOWLR tansks and maybe some zoas or mushrooms. What kind of light should i use? Also I would prefer not to use a protein skimmer, is that possible to manage?

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yes, but its better to go all out first, get a good light instead of buying a bad light then upgrading, you'll save lots of money,

and once you get one or two zoas, you'll want more, trust me. its happened to me and like 1000+ other people on this site, so you might as well get a good light.

and yes its managable without a skimmer

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yes, but its better to go all out first, get a good light instead of buying a bad light then upgrading, you'll save lots of money,

and once you get one or two zoas, you'll want more, trust me. its happened to me and like 1000+ other people on this site, so you might as well get a good light.

and yes its manageable without a skimmer


but if you do decide on a light that isn't very powerful, don't spend too much money. It will hurt less when you inevitably decide to upgrade later.


Although zoanthids can survive in low light, you get the best color out of medium to high light levels.


At a minimum you will need a powerhead, heater and light. I would also recommend a hob refugium to help keep the nitrates in check.


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See i agree with just get the good light now so no need for upgrade later but it's not for me. I own a Red Sea Max, this is for my sister. She wants to to try her hand at saltwater but shes not that much into the whole coral thing. She thinks there nice but has no interest in keeping them. She just wants fish and live rock. Thats why im going for the most basic setup. I think i will turn a HOB filter into a fuge for her and add 2 powerheads to it. She already has a 30gal that she wants to use so all i need is the filter, powerheads and light. She has a heater and light setup but the light was used for freshwater so i figured it cant be used for SW. She also has the filter that came with the freshwater setup, i was wondering if i can take out the inside of that filter and put like cemipure or purigen in it? Then have another HOB filter which i will mod to fuge. Whats your opinion?

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Pseudocheilinus hexataenia

For FOWLR just stick with a Power Compact setup, something cheap and easy for you. The PC will help you see your fish as if they were in a legit saltwater tank while not breaking the bank on price. If you're DIY handy enough to mod a HOB then you can easily buy some cheap retrofit parts and build a cheap hood. You don't need a skimmer, but make sure to do at least weekly 10% water changes.


EDIT - Also, if you just want to keep the basic maintenance down, keep the bio-load low. A clownfish pair, maybe a six-line or four-line and a small goby or blenny?

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