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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Which Koralia and skimmer question


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Which one of these do you guys recommend for a 20 gallon long?


Koralia Nano 240 gph 3.5 2" x 3"

Koralia 1 400 gph 3.5 2-1/4" x 5"

Koralia 2 600 gph 9 2-7/8" x 5-7/8"

Koralia 3 850 gph 10 2-7/8" x 5-7/8"

Koralia 4 1,200 gph 12 3-1/4" x 6-1/4"


Also do you think its necessary to have a skimmer on a 20 gallon if so does anyone know how far this model sticks out above the top of the aquarium?




Or is there a better nano skimmer than this if i even need one?

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