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Plate Coral Picked


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looks like something picked at my brothers plate coral

theres a white spot on it

im guessing it was our peppermint, my brother fed by just droping a cube of food in last time n im pretty sure the pep didnt get nething

the cleaner usual eats everything

i have thusly repremanded him for it, n he wont do it agian

so 2 question


does it sound like it was the pep?

and what are the chances of survival for his plate coral?

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Can't say it was or wasn't the pep. They are notorious for food stealing and sometimes cause damage along the way. but there could be many many causes.


Plates don't recover very well, I'm afraid.

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looks like skeleton, i mean it looks a lil upset in that one spot but it still looks alive in others



hmm. skeleton ain't so good. :P


can you put a barrier over it so nothing can get to it, like a mesh framework of some kind? keeping it isolated would be good, and make sure you keep feeding it if it's still eating.

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well i jsut say my pep picking at the same spot that was damaged

im starting to think it might be dead...

how can i tell? its all stoney yes but it still has color to it


theres a few tenticles out but they seem non responsive

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caught the pep red handed!

i heard clicking in my tank

i was like, what is that

so all the lights are off

n i turn on a flash light to see

n all i see is its eyes all white tearing into it!

it was like a freakin zombie movie!!


help! i put something over it, how do i help my plate coral survive!?



on a cool note, this experince has made me absolutly looove my cleaner shrimp

when i was putting in my cover, he jumped my hand n proceeded to clean it while i was working

hes my new fav dude

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