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refugium pump kills small animals?


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Hi all,


Since I am still planning my first tank this maybe a stupid question, but does the return pump of a refugium kills the pods on the way to the main tank? My sump/refugium would mostly be used as a place for small critters (pods etc) to reproduce and then serve as live food. But is this still live food when it enters the main tank which is about 3 feet higher?




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I have read reports that the shear forces in a pump can kill as many as 90% of small aquatic life that passes through them. However that doesnt seem to be what I am experiencing. I tons of live copepods and amphipods (and hydroids) in my display undamaged and have seen practically no dead ones. A lot of people apparently do run the fuge above the display so that flow can take the critters down, but in most people's etups thats not very practical.

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I dont know how many of my critters are killed by the force of the water in the plumbing, but this method will prevent them from being ran through a pump.



just use a t-fitting and the water rushing up the plumbing will suck some of the water from the fuge chamber with it. It creates a siphon so you can have a fuge that is below your show tank and still not run these little guys through a pump.


I have been asked why the pump wouldnt just pump water back into the fuge and I am not sure why it doesnt. I just know that it works for me.


Edit: photo did not work

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shouldnt that pump be in a return chamber?


Probably. I just don't like to have so many chambers because it causes the last one to be so small. This causes it to dry out faster. If I don't do a top off for 2 days it would dry out. As is I can dry up after about 3 days. If I had a smaller chamber at the end I would be screwed if I ever went on vacation.

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I think it might kill some but I have noticed pods making it from my fuge to the display with no problems.



+1 Ive been keeping a mandarin for a couple of months and i always find him munching on pods that have made their way from the fuge back into the display.

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