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Cultivated Reef

my 4.5 cube

deacon hemp

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Ok ive posted this in members section but since this forum is usually less frequented and my tanks only 4.6 gallons it seems like u guys would like to see it.Its mostly shrooms and other softies,and the macros popped up from the rock,it was florida aquacultured i belive.

Here was week 4 "i used cycled rock"


and now




New Discosoma sanctithomae "i love these guys"


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Thanks Adin and zerog,the pumps just a korlia nano,the red macro i have no idea what it is,its native to the carribean though.All of the algeas came in on my rock so ive just left it grow out and basically everything in this tank has to fend for itself lol.I do scrub the branch rock though it was uncured .The lighting is 3x13 watt pc's 1-10k and 2-true actinic,and one 8 watt t-5 actinic blue,and a 1 watt moonlight.

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