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Help? Is it algae?


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So my ric's didn't exactly like where they were, so I decided to break up some Lace Rock, which my LFS said would be okay to put in with the existing live rock, and make a little "Ric Island/Garden". But twenty minutes later i go upstairs to find little green and yellow bumps (about 1/4cm) forming in patches all over the rocks, and basically spreading before my eyes, so i quicly took the ric of and the lace rock out. The bumps seemed to be releasing little air bubbles, wont be able to get a picture, but that is the best description I can give.


Is there anything I should be worried about, and should I just wash off those pieces of Lace Rock really good before i put it back in, or just not put it back in all together? And are the green bumps bad?

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