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Cultivated Reef

water levels?


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ok so i have cycled for 3 weeks. I have a nanocube 6 and ablout 5lbs of live rock. so last week when i checked my water


nitrirtes were like 1.0

ammonia were 1.0

ph was 7.8

nitrate were 10


so 5 days ago after the test i took out the old carbon (note*** i never had the bioballs or ceramic tubes)

and replaced it with purigen and chemi pure then i cut the sponge in half and put in filter floss and added 3 red leg hermits. Also a new minijet 606(which is awesome)


then i checked the water right now and i got






So does this mean i am done? and can add a cuc? i feel that i should wait until monday to add the cuc. What do you think?


I think i could have mussed up the cycle with the purigen and chemipure. I'm not sure though.


My point is that i never really saw anything spike high. I was waiting for the nitrates to go really high and then do a water change but no spikes on any of the levels


comments or questions please?

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