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what are these?


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so i have little black terds in my tank about 2 mm in length all i have in my tank is 3 red hermit crabs. is this from them and if so should i get a starfish to clean them up. i am pretty much ending my cycle so i threw the crabs in there to clean up the brown alge.

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ya i have no fish just 3 hermits in my 6 gallon NC. So i think its poop. Does anything eat this like snails or is the only way to remove it by doing a water change and syphon it out?

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Snails go around eating stuff, but I syphone out anything like this one almosta weekly basis.


ya i have no fish just 3 hermits in my 6 gallon NC. So i think its poop. Does anything eat this like snails or is the only way to remove it by doing a water change and syphon it out?
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