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Coral Vue Hydros

Tank question - Pics added***


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I'm picking up a free tank from a friend and I can't find it online anywhere.

It is probably 60-75 gallons and it is acrylic and has 2 sides with 2 tubes connecting the sides together.

Anyone ever heard of or seen one of these?


It looks like the very crude pic I attached.



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I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that I remember seeing a brand name on it.

I am picking it up tonight so I will take some pictures and post them later.

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OK here are the pics...





Anybody hear of this kind of filter


Water Pump


Lower Shot


Tank is drilled on both sides - underneath shot


Right side inside bottom


Left side inside bottom


Top of left side


Top of right side




Ok it is going to be a lot of work, but I think I can do it.


Anybody have any idea on what a set up like this costs?


Now since this is drilled through the bottom how should I do the set up.

The tubes will be manageable to clean.

How many people use canister filters?

I have enough room to do a fuge underneath.


Well give me some suggestions people. Any are welcome.


I will be cleaning and testing the seals as I have time.


I look forward to suggestions.





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was that a freshwater set-up before?


I say that becuase it looks like gravel in the bottom of both tanks, if it was you have a lot of work to do before you set it up. I did a 20 gal freshwater to reff tank change if you want to look for ideas.

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Don't reuse the filter, tubing, pumps, etc it is not worth the amount of work it would take to get it clean.


the tank needs to be cleaned with vinager (20% vinager 80% water) and then washed out very very very well. I would consider replacing all the bulkheads and fittings


I know you got this as a gift but I will tell you this is a very long hard task and some ppl feel it is completely not worth all the time.

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What is it that I am trying to "get rid" of?

chemicals, basically any stuff that has dried onto the glass and tank which can kill saltwater inhabitants

for starters(note that most freshwater tanks don't require super clean water, so buildup of chemicals can collect on the glass, etc)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I have heard of those filters but wouldnt have much benefit to a saltwater tank. Those are also the older version so even if you did want to use them you would probably have to replace everything in them.


Also, vinegar works WONDERS! Soak some rags in a 1:4 vinegar to water sulution then lay them on the calcium build up areas. After waiting 20 minutes, everything should wipe off.


John (sweet, we have the same name *high fives*)

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i have seen someone online that made it into a saltwater and turned out pretty cool.... go for it bro...my brother has one he said he would give it to me...but my g/f hates the look...but its free lets see it up and running.

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That's a "Clear for Life" aquarium. When I was shopping to do a tank with a Mantis in one side and an Octopus on the other, I was considering this tank. I was thinking of ways to put a barrier in the tubes. Anyway, decided against it, but here is a link.




EDIT: Better link


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