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RO Waste


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Does it bug anybody how much water is wasted by RO filters? I've been thinking about this for a while. What are some uses for the remaining water? I don't have a garden, and I don't think I want to drink it. Any Suggestions?

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I haven't tried it, so I can't verify. However, I figured the waste water is probably extremely hard(alkaline). Having kept many Tanganyikan cichlids, which require extremely alkaline water, I always figured it would be good for that. You still have to treat the water to remove heavy metals and other toxins. It may be worth a try. I don't have any more, otherwise I'd offer myself to try it.

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Does it bug anybody how much water is wasted by RO filters? I've been thinking about this for a while. What are some uses for the remaining water? I don't have a garden, and I don't think I want to drink it. Any Suggestions?


Run it trough a brita filter and drink it puke3.gif

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I was thinking i could also get a pump and use it to shower in the morning.... but maybe the electricity used would negate the water savings.

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I was thinking i could also get a pump and use it to shower in the morning.... but maybe the electricity used would negate the water savings.

Laundry?? That's what i heard once... how, i don't really know cuz i don't own a Ro/Di but i'm sure you could hook it up some how. And if you do figure it out, please share. That would convince the wife to let me get one!! I'll just do all the laundry when i make water.

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I haven't tried it, so I can't verify. However, I figured the waste water is probably extremely hard(alkaline). Having kept many Tanganyikan cichlids, which require extremely alkaline water, I always figured it would be good for that. You still have to treat the water to remove heavy metals and other toxins. It may be worth a try. I don't have any more, otherwise I'd offer myself to try it.


There is a skin-care company that sells an expensive water purifying solution with the benefits of high alkaline "waste water" for washing your face.

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