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Coral Vue Hydros



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Dear Sirs,


I have a 34 gallon Red Sea Max Cube. I downgraded to this from a 55 gal. It has been sitting for about a year with just a yellow striped maroon clown and a carpet anemone. I am selling those because i want to have a true reef tank

(clown got to big and anemone eats everything.)

I have about 50 lbs. of live rock about 20 hermits 4 emerald crabs and 4 peppermint shrimp. As for coral i have a ton of xenia.

If YOU had this tank what would YOU do with it. I just want to see what other reefers would do in this "situation". I know this will be a very generalized thread but maybe i will narrow down what i like.



If this thread needs to be moved please do so.


Good Day Sirs.

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Dear Sirs/Madams,


I have a 34 gallon Red Sea Max Cube. It has been running for about a year with just a yellow striped maroon clown and a carpet anemone. I am selling those because my clown got too big and anemone eats everything. I have about 50 lbs. of live rock, about 20 hermits, 4 emerald crabs, and 4 peppermint shrimp. As for coral i have a ton of xenia.


If YOU had this tank and wanted to start over, what would YOU do with it? I just want to see what other reefers would do in this "situation".


Good Day Sirs/Madams.


I edited your post for clarity. Maybe someone else can help with your question. I cannot offer any helpful info.

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Dear Sir,


Why would this be?


Good Day Sir.



your question is pretty vague, we need some more info as to what youre wanting here. goals? etc.

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oh ok. then for fish...


a pair of B&W clowns

a yashia haze goby & pistol shrimp



maybe frag some of that xenia and trade it for some other softies/LPS.

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