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Humidity Issues


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Just wondering if anyone else has humidity issues in their houses as a result of tiier tank or tanks. My apartment is ridiculous, i had to buy a dehumidifier to stop the windows from sweating and forming mold in the window ledges. Anyone else have these issues?

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Just wondering if anyone else has humidity issues in their houses as a result of tiier tank or tanks. My apartment is ridiculous, i had to buy a dehumidifier to stop the windows from sweating and forming mold in the window ledges. Anyone else have these issues?


Nope. There really isn't enough water evaporation from a single tank to cause humidity issues in a home or apartment.


A small, portable humidifier from the store will go through 2-3 gallons per day if ran 24x7 and I doubt your tank loses that much water.


The excess humidity is more likely caused by sinks, toilets, dishwashers, showers etc.

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Opposite problem for me. Put a nano-cube in a bedroom to humidify it - problem is the cube design is pretty good in limiting evaporation so no help there. If the top of your tank is covered have you tried a piece of glass (and your sump too)?

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Could you use water from a dehumitifier for your ATO?



edit: I have noticed my room to be humid


no, this topic has been discussed many times - a quick search will pull up many threads.

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Just wondering if anyone else has humidity issues in their houses as a result of tiier tank or tanks. My apartment is ridiculous, i had to buy a dehumidifier to stop the windows from sweating and forming mold in the window ledges. Anyone else have these issues?



-that- much humidity is most likely caused by something else...

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My dehumidifier is 40 pints a day and I don't run it 24 hours. I figure a pull maybe 2L a day which would match my evapouration pretty close I bet.Either way it's able to control the issue. Some of my outer windows still sweat but the inner window is dry.


I have 3 tanks (25 gal, 5 gal, 5.5gal + 5 gallon water mixer and now a 10gal sump) so collectively I was wondering if it was enough. Especially since my apartment is pretty warm and thus the furnace is never on to remove moisture. I'm sure that it doesn't help that it's a new building. Maybe since I have an already hot and humid apartment, these factors collectively put me over the edge and give me humidity issues where the neighbours don't?


I might just have to keep running the dehumidifier I guess. My tank is topless because I use a 150w MH Viper to light it and it keeps pretty hot as it is (~81-82F). I might try to cover the sump, its not attached to the overflow yet as I'm letting it cycle.


P.S. it is too bad that can't use the water a dehumidifier makes. A good call though. In theory it would make great top off since it's in essence distilled. Problem is your getting lots of crap like spores in it when you collect it. Good for watering plants though.

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Ever measure humidity in your house?


My house is btn 40-50%, depending on which room your in and the season.


Anything over 70% is a bit much and Id recommend a dehumidifier.

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I have a dehumidifer already, the situation was bad :P I can't measure the humidity accurately but I can change the settings on my dehumidifeir and she def still kicks in regularly on 50% humidity.


My display is topless because I'm using a JBJ Viper as my lighting and my heat issues would go wild.

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