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Cultivated Reef

PICO lighting

Reef Chicks

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I would like to know what the appropriate lighting is for a 2.5 gallon. I have a dual 18w Current fixture. Is that enough or too much? Will that burn/wilt/bleach out corals? I keep mostly softies and zoas.

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i use 2 18 w fixtures over my tank and my zoa's and softies dont seem to mind. i have had some change colors (some zoa's did get a little lighter and i had a frag go from pink to green) but overall its fine and i prefer it over when i only had 1 fixture, even though with 2 algae grows faster

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I have 2x 10w coralife screw in c/f 50/50 bulbs over my 2.5 and everything is kicking ass. corals look great and coraline algae is growing in nicely

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