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Too cold?


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So there's always talk about tanks over heating but has anybody every had their tank get too cold somehow? Do you think anything bad will happen if it gets down to say like 65 or 60?


I know some people dont even use heaters on their tanks and just rely on the room temps to moderate the tank temps. But, what if your room got too cold and cooled your tank too low? I tried searching the forums about it and found nothing about problems with tanks getting too cold. Or what if your chiller had an issue and just started cooling too much.


Has anyone ever had a problem like that?

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someone on here got a shipment of a cuc lately in sub freezing water temps. I think it was like 18' water. They all lived. Who knows. I'm not signing up for that test.

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So there's always talk about tanks over heating but has anybody every had their tank get too cold somehow? Do you think anything bad will happen if it gets down to say like 65 or 60?


I know some people dont even use heaters on their tanks and just rely on the room temps to moderate the tank temps. But, what if your room got too cold and cooled your tank too low? I tried searching the forums about it and found nothing about problems with tanks getting too cold. Or what if your chiller had an issue and just started cooling too much.


Has anyone ever had a problem like that?

Yes, I started a tank this summer here in Anchorage, AK and ran into trouble the first night it got really cold since the tank was against an exterior wall next to a window.


I put this on the back of the tank, and added an extra heater. Even with that insulation, a 150 and 100 watt heater, and 100watts of t5 (in a 30 gal), I still cant keep it above 77 at night.


Running about 76.7 at night and 77.2 during the day right now, outside temps have been getting down to -15 to -20 so I'm pretty happy with how its been doing.


In the summer my tank usually stays at about 79

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