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Harlequin shrimp care?


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I am just starting a 20g tank and I'm planning to have a pair of harlequin shrimp.I was reading through this website and it seems to be quite helpful. I was wondering if there's any truth to the spicules harming corals, it seems pretty realistic but I'd like to know if anyone has had success with harlequin shrimp along with soft corals.


"When feeding, the shrimp break off and release a great many of the starfishes spicules. These are microscopic structures that give the starfish its bodily support. Such spicules resemble microscopic needles which, I am sure, would be an irritant to corals. To reduce any chance of coral irritation when keeping harlequin shrimp in a reef aquarium, I would suggest using a micron filter to try and reduce the number of free floating spicules."


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Allthough 6 months does not make a success story - I have a pair in my BC29 and I have more concern about water quality while they are eating. They may take up to a week to finish a small chocolate chip star.

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