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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Opinions of Carbon in a Pico


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I noticed that mostly all the Monthy Tank Profiles had carbon in their filtration system. What's y'alls opinion of having carbon in say your HOB penguin/aquaclear of your pico?

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I ran carbon in my pico for about a year til I took the tank down. Worked great! Kept the water super clean! I changed mine out every 2 weeks.



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I have carbon in mine, as well. It makes a bigger difference for water clarity than it does in my 28g, I find.

I also feel better having it there because it is my frag tank, so it can get a bit slimy if I frag mushrooms.

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I may as well ask about the other stuff like purigen and chemi-pure in a pico. Y'ALL dig that stuff too?


iv had better luck with a mix of purigen and phos-gaurd then i have with carbon, but the carbon doesnt hurt. my favorite is polyfilter though!

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I have carbon in all my filters to. If it can help you chose, I allways use the best I can find. yes it's often twice the price but I replace it less and I have the impression ( :huh: ) that it makes a better job.

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