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Cultivated Reef

questions on set up...any responses would enhance my thoughts


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Hello all,

Well I've been indecisive regarding making an attempt to pursue this tempting hobby for the past year...well, I've reconcile w/ my thoughts and going to make the best out of it upon discovery of this site. I've recently purchase a 28 gal. Nano HQI. I use to have a set up w/ just live rock and fish only but it has been out of business for the last year. The once live rock and sand is completely dried up. My stupid questions now, Can I still cycle the live rock w/out purchasing live rock from my LFS. I have more than plenty of rock and want to save the money for other wants. I'm going to add an additional 10lbs of live sand to my 20lbs of dry sand to seed it off. My other questions is, can I use a fish tank tap water condition to add to my tap water and use for mixing my salt instead of purchasing a whole new water filtration for my sink. If this is not recommended, can I use the drinking water at my local grocery store to add to it. I'll stop here for now because I don't want to sound like a newbee dummy. After reading through many of the posts, I'm still unsure. Maybe a precise response targeted at my questions would assist. Thanks all!!!

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No tap water! at the very least use distilled water. purified/natural drinking water contains minerals that the reef won't like. Ebay/n-r.com a small RO/DI kit. 100 bucks or so.


Well shouldn't say no tap water, their is about 2 people on nano-reef that use straight tap water, they have perfect water for some reason. Test your tap, and you will see why not to use it. Take a sample to your lfs and have it tested.

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thanks!!! anyone feedback on the dry live rock, also I've heard of the dropping a dead cocktail shrimp idea into a cycling tank. Is this something i should consider.

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What you need is a small seed rock from the LFS and all your dead rock put into the same tank, wait a couple of days, add the dead shrimp, and then wait atleast 2 weeks, have the system setup with a heater and powerhead (flow). the dead rocks will come back, but it is going to take some time. Possibly another dead shrimp. Someone who has actually done this trick should post here and explain it better than I can.

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